Utilising the Client Portal for effective customer relationships

Records Management Software

The client portal is a key feature of Velappity’s compliance module; included to provide users with the ultimate benefit of leading customer relationships. This blog will therefore aim to describe the usefulness of the client portal for your business and customer relationship management.

The Issue

An effective customer relationship management process is fundamentally important to your business. Therefore, having the most appropriate CRM tools at your disposal is necessary to ensuring the CRM strategy is maintained and clients are satisfied with the service.

Having complex management tools, more often than not, is not effective enough for managing the whole process of reporting and communicating. This can leave clients annoyed and disengaged with your organisation, meaning they bombard you with emails and phone calls, delaying actions and reducing efficiency. This is not only distressing for the client, but your workforce also suffer from mundane questioning, constant interruptions and work overload. So the effective CRM strategy goes out the window!

The Solution

Our Client Portal for CRM management

Wouldn’t you not prefer to have an effective CRM tool, that provided all the necessary information to clients at a glance, with access to existing and future site specific information and list of any issues and non-compliances?

Velappity is the answer to your prayers. Velappity’s client portal and logbook securely stores and provides clients with convenient access to documentation, reactive jobs, issues, non-compliances, site information, photographs, completed jobs etc. With two-clicks all of this information is accessible to them; a calendar view and unqiue colour-coding means it could not be easier to identify job stage, date and tasks. Securely stored with cloud hosting, the information is made available 24/7 and clients are not at risk of losing any sensitive information.

Providing your clients control over their actions, demonstrates a trust and transparency, which builds strong consumer relationships. Convenient access to all information ensures that clients are less likely to contact your organisation with every small query or request, thus freeing up workforce productivity to improve overall organisational efficiency.

Therefore, the client portal can be considered to have multiple benefits for customer relationship management. Velappity aims to be a complete end-to-end tool for organisations, to collect data, build forms, and produce reports and then provide a tool for ensuring compliance and communicating with clients.

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